Our new book rental scheme will operate from September 2014 for all classes.
I wish to thank our staff for their work on the establishment of the scheme and also the Board of Management for their support of the scheme. I am extremely grateful to all of the parents and families who have donated books back to the school. Their generosity has allowed us to widen our book rental scheme to three subject areas from Third Class up. Thank you all very much.
Participation in the book rental scheme is voluntary. Book lists will be supplied to parents in the normal way.
Annual rental: A rental charge of €3 per textbook per year will apply. A rental charge of €3 per year (not per book) also applies to readers for children in Junior and Senior Infants. The payment of these charges will secure the rental of all relevant text books listed in the book list as and when required throughout the school year.
Purchase of workbooks, disposable materials and stationery will remain outside the scope of this scheme and remain the responsibility of the parents. These workbooks, materials and stationery will be clearly listed on the annual book lists. The only exception to this is stationery for Junior and Senior Infants which will be provided through the school for a flat rate annual fee.
To qualify for admission to the scheme, the rental charge must be paid on or before 1 June each year.
Parents must sign a contract to take responsibility for books when they pay the rental charge. If books from the rental scheme become lost or damaged due to ill-treatment during the school year, they must be replaced by the person who signs the contract. Full compensation for lost books will be required before re-admission to the scheme for the following year.
The children receive their books when they return to school in September. The books are returned to the school at the end of June.
The books supplied under the scheme will remain the property of the school and may be subject to inspection at any time by a member of the teaching staff.
Membership of the scheme is at the discretion of the Board of Management and the school principal. Any pupil found to be abusing, defacing or disposing of rented books may be dismissed from the scheme, without a refund of rental money, and may be required to supply their own textbooks for the remainder of their time in the school.
Books supplied under the scheme may be new or second hand at the discretion of the principal and Board of Management.