
We are a five teacher school with four mainstream teachers and one S.E.Teacher. We have two S.N.A’s, two part-time Language teachers, a secretary and a cleaner.                                                                                                             

Principal and Designated Liason Person: Michelle Hunter Garland
Deputy Principal and Deputy Designated Liason Person: Rachael Gough
Assistant Principal II: Samantha Ansell
Deputy Designated Liason Person: Niall Tobin

Junior  Infants and Senior Infants: Michelle Hunter Garland
First and Second Classes: Niall Tobin
Third and Fourth Classes: Samantha Ansell                 Fifth and Sixth Classes: Rachael Gough
Special Education Teacher: Verna Langrell
Language Teachers: Vanessa Clarke and Rebekah Hunter                                                                                                Special Needs Assistants: Siobhan Connolly and Nicola Browne

School Secretary: Tara Rooney                                  Cleaners: Jodie Dunne

Teachers are always available by appointment to meet with parents. Should you have any query or concerns at any time, please feel free to make an appointment to come to talk with us.