Thursday 23rd June 2022
Today we said goodbye to Sixth Class. Best of luck to them as they move onto their new schools. We look forward to updates on all they achieve in the future! ❤️
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Thursday 23rd June 2022
Today we said goodbye to Sixth Class. Best of luck to them as they move onto their new schools. We look forward to updates on all they achieve in the future! ❤️
Tuesday 21st June 2022
Today, we had our End of Year Service in the school hall. Children were presented with their certificates for swimming, attendance and gratuation from their class. Some children only missed 3 days of school this year, despite a Global Pandemic. Congratulations to these children. Thank you to Canon Brian for joining us today and presenting the children with their certificates. Thank you to all the parents that joined us for our celebration.
6th Class presented Ms Brownrigg with a hoodie to remember them by and some gifts from them and their families. We are sad to say goodbye to these children but know they are ready for the next chapter of their lives! Best of luck to the ten Sixth Class children, as they head off to Kilkenny College and Tullow Community School.
Thursday 16th June 2022
Today, 2nd Class – 6th Class went on their school tour to Kilkenny Activity Centre. They did Bubble Soccer, Splatball and an Assault Course. The children had a brilliant day and the water slide at the end was a big hit. To finish the day off, the school treated the children to a SuperMacs. I’m sure the children slept very well after a busy day!
Activity 1- Bubble Soccer
Activity 2- Splatball
Activity 3- Assault Course
Monday 13th June 2022
Today, Junior Infants to First Class went on their School Tour to Kia Ora Mini Farm in Co. Wexford.
For many children, this was their first School Tour, so there was great excitement on the bus. The children loved feeding all of the animals and playing on the bikes. Thank you to all at Kia Ora Mini Farm for being so kind and helpful!
Friday 10th June 2022
Today, we had our annual Sport’s Day. The children were split into four groups and worked through our four activity stations.
1- Uni-hock
2- Basketball and Dodgeball
3- Races
4- Stations
Thankfully the rain didn’t break through until we were finished! Well done to all of the children for participating in all of the activities. It was great fun! It was lovely to have parents back in the school yard, supporting the children!
Some photos from the stations
Some Photos from the races
Junior Room
Middle Room
Senior Room
Thursday 2nd June 2022
Today, 6th Class were presented with their hoodies. They are very excited to wear them to school instead of their jumper, for the remaining three weeks.
Thank you to Rose and Brendan McCall for gifting them to the children.