28th November 2019
In 1819, Tullow School No. 2 changed it’s name to St. Columba’s N.S. This year, this name is 200 years old. The children did many projects in order to mark this occasion.

The Junior Room drew pictures of the school building. The main school building was built in 1825. In 6 years time, this building will be 200 years old!
The Middle Room made models of the school building.
The Senior Room researched the history of the school building. They learned that the Doyne Family donated the money needed to build the school building that we see today.

The Junior Room and Middle Room researched some of the different nationalities in our school. They created posters that are displayed in the hall.
Yesterday, Wednesday 27th November 2019, we had a display of our work in the school hall. We invited the community to come in and see our hard work. There was a bake sale and the children also made some Christmas Decorations to sell. All proceeds will be used to offset the cost of school trips.

Above are some photographs of the school children over the years. There is also a photo of the Corporal Punishment book and some old teacher curriculum books.